Chapter News

December Newsletter

The Venom Rattlesnake Mountain HOG Chapter #5122 Welcome to the December issue of The Venom, the newsletter for the Rattlesnake Mountain HOG Chapter. In this issue you will find chapter information, highlights from recent events, and information on upcoming events. Enjoy!

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LifeFlight Membership

Annual Renewal for Life Flight will take place at the Monthly Chapter Meeting on March 2, 2024. The Group Membership cost is $75. Make checks payable to "HOG #5122". Click on the Life Flight Form, save, print, and fill out for submission. Life Flight Network, a nonprofit air medical transport service, has helicopter, fixed-wing, and ground ambulance bases throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. Life Flight Network has administrative offices in Aurora, Oregon

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Ride 365

2023 marks the continuation of the HOG program called "Ride 365". We are a big Chapter in the region, and if we all work together, we have a good chance of winning one of the prizes.  Please take a few minutes to drop by Rattlesnake Mountain Harley-Davidson® with your VIN and Odometer reading to make sure you are registered.  This is different from the regular Mileage Program, so even if you are already registered for the Mileage Program, you still need to register for Ride 365. Let's rack up those miles!! See you on the road.

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